Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Floating Communities

Space, and lack thereof is an issue that is continually blocking society's growth and development. Coupled with this is the issue of our impact on the environment as we find/create new spaces to occupy. This impact is often manifested through the process of clear cutting forests to create suitable land for new development, diverting streams and rivers to dry up swamps and bogs, blasting the landscape to create more direct and effecient road systems... etc. We are continually pushing outwards and upwards, gradually taking over all of the natural environment around us and putting stress on the organisms that once occupied that space. On top of that, previously agricultural land is converted into urban development, forcing our farmers to be continually searching for new land suitable for agricultural purposes.

With all of these complications that inhibit our terrestrial growth why have we not moved society unto the oceans? The technology exists for such an action to be undertaken, all that remains is for our government to become organized enough to commence such a radical transformation of society.

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