Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Floating Communities (Part 2)

The oceans occupy over 70% of the earth's surface. While we have become very proficient at traversing these waters, extracting both living and non-living ressources from its depths, and even placing a part of our existance on the continual presence of the oceans and what they provide for us, we have not yet attempted to move society unto the waters on a large scale. Strangely, many of the obstacles that oppose us on land would not be obstructions for a floating community. The "land" to be developed has already been cleared and leveled, there are no stumps to be removed, no streams to be diverted. Issues of water availability would never be a problem with the use of desalination plants. Clean energy can be collected by harnessing the power of the wind, waves and solar radiation, all three of which are readily available on-site. Roads aboards the community vessels would have to be planned, and with public transport the sole means of travel (except for walking) movement aboard each vessel would be highly effecient.

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