Friday, November 28, 2008

Ocean Acidity

This article from "The Underwater Times" is unfortunately the bearer of bad news related to ocean acidity levels. Scientists from the University of Chicago report that the level of ocean acidity is rising 10 times faster than predicted, while the cause remains the same; high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. With 8 years of data collection, the study focused on temperate regions from which large amounts of fishing are done. Rising acidity levels in the water kills coral which is a crucial part of the marine habitat for many aquatic species. Reducing habitat puts pressure on these species and adds risk to species population diminishing.

This is one of the prime examples of the negative side-effects that the combustion of fossil fuels has on the environment. While CO2 by itself is not harmful, it is the shift in the delicate environmental balance that a surplus of CO2 in the atmosphere creates that causes harm. With hope further research and media attention will motivate the political and industrial world into action to seek out ways to minimize and even reverse some of the negative influence that humans have on the world.

Read the article here.

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